What is Art?

What is art? In class we watched a video that questioned the meaning of and definition of what exactly is art. The video was very informative in the different ways art could be defined. It was interesting. One quote that stuck out to me was when they quoted Ambrose Bierce stating in his Devil's Dictionary in 1906. “Art, n. this word has no definition.” In many ways I find this to be true. Since art is subjective and open to interpretation meaning there are many ways people could define it. Another way I have herd about defining art is “The idea of art is not for the measurement of others but made to offend and/or inspire.” I agree with this as well because the way I approach art is very similar. Art is made to not be “comforting” to the viewer but sometimes creating a piece with a more unusual approach." Instead of always something visually pleasant with meaning, it shows art can also be on the opposite side. Either way art is meant to show the ideas of artists to the people who see it .